Stoneraft Films b.v.
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Tel. + 31 20 77 86 188
Tel. + 31 (0)6. 205 280 98
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Running time 112 minutes
Language Dutch (English subtitles)
Format 35mm color / ratio 1:1.85
Sound Dolby mono
TIRO (1979)
Matthias Maat, Geert de Jong
Directed by
Jacob Bijl
Plot Summary
Tom, a boy on the verge of adulthood, rebels against the proposed drainage of the holms and marshes where, in the family tradition, he has hunted ducks with great passion. Tom uses the impending drainage accepted by his father as a pretext for unleashing all his antipathies and frustrations. Between Tom and Lily, who is more than a sister to him, exists a deep bond which is threatened by the industrialist who plans to build a factory on the terrain in question. Tom has a warm, reassuring friendship with his grandfather. When the old man dies, Tom feels so abandoned that any realistic goal in this society appears to him to be totally futile.
Screenplay by
Jacob Bijl
Produced by
George Sluizer & Anne Lordon
a MGS Film production
Tom Vieren – Matthias Maat
Lilly Vieren – Geert de Jong Alex Vieren – Julien Schoenaerts
Edith Vieren – Henny Alma
Anke – Linda van Dijk
Bas Bovenlander – Huub Hansen
Lea Bovenlander – Kitty Courbois
Stedeling – Arnold Gelderman
Director of photography – Anton van Munster/ Paul van den Bos
Art director – Ruud van Dijk
Costumes – Marga Langeweg
Sound – Bert Koops
Line producer – Tom Burghard
Editor – Jane Sperr
Music – Ruud Bos
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